Summer in the Borderland 2024

The Krasnogruda Manor

The Borderland would like to invite you to take part in the summer program in Sejny and Krasnogruda. The program will be taking place in July and August.

Sejny and Krasnogruda will be hosting concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions, meetings and debates. The White Synagogue in Sejny and the Miłosz Manor in Krasnogruda will be offering books published by the Borderland and the gift shop in the old post office building in Sejny will be offering hand-made objects and souvenirs.


2 July (Wednesday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

5 July (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

7 July (Sunday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

10 July (Wednesday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

12 July (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

13 July (Saturday); The Electrification of the Village Territories; the Sejny Jazz Cooperative 19.00; entrance free

19 July (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; Buduk Jazz Festival

21 July (Sunday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

24 July (Wednesday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

26 July (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

27 July (Saturday); Patrycja Wybrańczyk/Emil Miszk; the Sejny Jazz Cooperative 19.00; entrance free

28 July (Sunday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

31 July (Sunday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN


2 August (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

4 August (Sunday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

7 August (Wednesday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

9 August (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

10 August (Saturday); Irek Wojtczak; 19.00; the Sejny Jazz Cooperative 19.00; entrance free

11 August (Sunday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

14 August (Wednesday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

16 August (Friday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

17 August (Saturday); KAMIL SZUSZKIEWICZ/WOJTEK TRACZYK; the Sejny Jazz Cooperative 19.00; entrance free

21 August (Wednesday); The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre; 19.00; tickets 40/45 PLN

23 August (Friday); SONG HUNTERS the sounds of the Caucasus borderland; music by Raphael Rigiński; reading by Magdalena Nowakowska;entrance free

24 August (Saturday); THE GARDEN OF DIVINE SONGS – the concert to commemorate the Independence Day of Ukraine Andrushchak/Almago/Rychły; 19.00 entrance free



Gabriela Bulisova and Mark Isaac – THE LANDSCAPE OF OUR MEMORY (an exhibition)

The White Synagogue; Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00

... AND THEY HAVEN”T RETURNED. THE JEWISH PEOPLE FROM SEJNY 1939, the White Synagogue; Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00

THE ATLAS OF THE SEJNY SKY – an art installation by Małgorzata Dmitruk – The Borderland House; Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00; tickets (including a guided tour) 20/15 (reduced fare) PLN

EXTRACTION | EKSTRAKCJA | IšROVIMAS – the exhibition of the works by Natalia Szostak – The Borderland House; Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00; tickets (including a guided tour) 20/15 (reduced fare) PLN

A HIDDEN CITY – an art installation; The Borderland House; Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00

Tickets available at the White Synagogue

THE BOOKSTORE at the White Synagogue is open Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00

THE BORDERLAND STORE; the Borderland House; Tuesday – Saturday; 10.00 – 17.00

Ticket booking 87 516 27 65


MIŁOSZ|IN SEARCH OF THE HOMELAND – a permanent exhibition in the Krasnogruda Manor (guided tours at 11.00, 13.00 and 15.00)

Tickets: 20/15 PLN (a guided tour); 10/8 PLN (without a guide)

A group ticket (for more than 20 visitors) – 15 PLN (a guided tour), 8 PLN (an individual visit)

FLORA KRASNOGRUDAE – graphic works by Ksenija Konopek; the Krasnogruda Manor

Anastasia Avramchuk’s Ukrainian cut outs illustrating THE DICTIONARY OF WAR by Ostap Slywynski; the terrace near the cafe, Krasnogruda


The ceramic map of the neighbourhood of the manor. Wiesław Szumiński/Krzysztof Czyżewski. The outside wall of the Ptaszniki tower in Krasnogruda.

The artistic path of nature in the Krasnogruda par. Aleksandra Wasilowska’s sculptures.

A Poets’ Path – an installation of clay books with the poems by Jerzy Ficowski, Tomas Venclova and Teodor Bujnicki.

Baranauskas – Miłosz – Rosenfeld; an art installation by Wiesław Szumiński in the Balthasar Meadow

An Unusual Story – an art installation by Maria Hojin in the Balthasar Meadow

Czesław Miłosz – a sculpture by a Ukrainian artist Mikołaj Kryżanowski

MANOR EXHIBITIONS, open every day (July and August), 10.00 – 16.00

The SONG ON PORCELAINE cafe; open everyday 10.00 – 16.00