Borderland in Serbia - summary

Borderland in Serbia - summary

Part of our team, as part of the Opowieści o Współistnieniu. Niewidzialny Most program, spent last week in Serbia. It was an extremely intense time, and thanks to that, also rich in new contacts, conversations, and plans for the future.

We visited seven Serbian cities, got to know twelve institutions run by wonderful, dedicated people who care about the world.

All of this is in preparation for our next trip there in the spring of next year, with a much larger team. Each place we visited is located on the borderland, an area incredibly rich, alive, resonating with various languages and songs. We eagerly await the moment when we will be able, even for a moment, to join the symphony of this borderland with the sound of our own.

A small prelude is already behind us – Cafe Europa, which took place on Wednesday in Palić, and three presentations from the Borderland Film Collection strengthened our belief that we have chosen the right direction for our journey.

Each institution we met was incredibly supportive and hospitable – however, visiting them would not have been possible without the partnership of the Poljski institut u Beogradu / Instytut Polski w Belgradzie, and especially without the tender care of our wonderful translator - Mila Gavrilovic, who was also a great companion on the journey. Thank you, and see you soon!

Nazwa zadania: "Opowieści o Współistnieniu. Festiwal Pogranicza w Serbii”

Projekt finansowany z budżetu państwa w ramach konkursu Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych RP „Dyplomacja Publiczna 2024 -2025 - wymiar europejski i przeciwdziałanie dezinformacji”

Wartość finansowania: 589 000,00 PLN

Barwy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i wizerunek godła Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej