Borderland in Serbia - first day

Borderland in Serbia - first day

Tales of Coexistance in Serbia! We start in Belgrade, where we were hosted yesterday for the anniversary of the founding of the Partizanska Knjiga publishing house. From there, we drove to Šabac, a place that specially preserves the region's Jewish memory. There, we spoke in a beautifully restored Sephardic synagogue, met with local organizers in the spaces of the museum, library, where we will also place our stories. Meanwhile, in the streets of Belgrade, peaceful protests, students voice their opposition.

phot. Piotrek Myszczyński

From there, we drove to Šabac, a place that specially preserves the region's Jewish memory. There, we spoke in a beautifully restored Sephardic synagogue, met with local organizers in the spaces of the museum, library, where we will also place our stories. Meanwhile, in the streets of Belgrade, peaceful protests, students voice their opposition.

phot. Piotrek Myszczyński

Nazwa zadania: "Opowieści o Współistnieniu. Festiwal Pogranicza w Serbii”

Projekt finansowany z budżetu państwa w ramach konkursu Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych RP „Dyplomacja Publiczna 2024 -2025 - wymiar europejski i przeciwdziałanie dezinformacji”

Wartość finansowania: 589 000,00 PLN

Barwy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i wizerunek godła Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej