Borderland in Serbia - day 5 and 6

Borderland in Serbia - day 5

The last two days of our study trip to Serbia are behind us. We spent Thursday in the town of Sonta. In this small town, located on the Serbian-Croatian border, CEKOS operates – a cultural institution whose activities are aimed at young people and revolve around theater and performing arts.

Every year, at the turn of spring and summer, a festival is held in Sonta, in the beautiful old theater building, where theater groups from both Serbia and Croatia participate. We hope that next year we will be able to become part of this event.We began Saturday with a visit to Karlovci, a historic town near Novi Sad. There, the Ekološki Centar Radulovački operates. This institution combines ecological and educational activities, supported by a deep and thoughtful reflection on nature, with broad social and cultural engagement. Their work is particularly close to the activities of the Krasnogrudzka Pracownia Przyrody . The first half of the day was spent on making joint plans, visiting the oldest high school in Serbia, and walking along the Danube, where our hosts carry out their daily work.We greeted the evening in Vršac, a town located on another border, between Vojvodina, Serbia, and Romania, inhabited by more than twenty ethnic and national groups. There, in an incredibly warm, homely atmosphere, we were welcomed by the members of the Tacka susreta collective. At their headquarters, Weronika Czyżewska-Poncyljusz presented the Film Collection of Borderland Stories and spoke about the work we do daily in Sejny and Krasnogruda.Today we are returning home. The week behind us was incredibly intense, full of very interesting meetings and conversations – and this is just the beginning. See you soon!

Poljski institut u Beogradu / Instytut Polski w Belgradzie

Nazwa zadania: "Opowieści o Współistnieniu. Festiwal Pogranicza w Serbii”

Projekt finansowany z budżetu państwa w ramach konkursu Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych RP „Dyplomacja Publiczna 2024 -2025 - wymiar europejski i przeciwdziałanie dezinformacji”

Wartość finansowania: 589 000,00 PLN

Barwy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i wizerunek godła Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej