Lectorium: discussions on democracy in Krasnogruda

Lektorium Sejneńskie - spotkanie z Weroniką - 6.06.2024

Lektorium Sejneńskie strikes again! On Thursday, June 6th, young people from Sejny and Suwałki met in Krasnogruda to discuss democracy.

There were important reasons for this. Firstly, Weronika Czyżewska-Poncyljusz, our guide through these realms, who has been leading us along the paths of the international project Changing Democracies for some time, prepared a workshop for us. The second reason was the project itself, which is focused on researching how the living history of Europe can help us understand the current crisis of democracy. We started our meeting with a workshop. We divided into two groups, each tasked with watching excerpts from six interviews recorded across different parts of Europe as part of the project. After collectively analyzing the experiences of the interviewees, we asked ourselves questions: what does democracy mean to us? How do we understand it? Do we see a difference between the interviews we previously conducted with our grandparents, parents, or educators, and those we heard today? And finally, is my democracy your democracy?