The Music of the Place – Antonina Nowacka in Sejny and Krasnogruda

Antonina Nowacka performing live

The Borderland is happy to have hosted Antonina Nowacka – one of the most talented Polish artists, musicians and vocalists.

Antonina Nowacka is a composer of oneiric soundscapes using primarily vocal and other several media.

In order to make the listeners of Sejny more aware of her art, Antonina Nowacka met the participants of the Music of the Place studio which was followed up by her music performance. The participants of the meeting were the students of the local high school, the students of the third age university in Sejny and Puńsk and all those who were willing to find out more about Antonina Nowacka’s music.

At the meeting in the White Synagogue our guest talked about her music tastes, singing techniques and different kinds of experiencing sounds in different parts of the world.

Antonina Nowacka studied at the Fine Arts Academy in Warsaw in the studio of a renowned Polish artist, Mirosław Bałka. She was a student of musicology at ISI Yogyakarta, which was due to the scholarship of the Minister of Culture of Indonesia. She also studied the traditional hindustani vocal techniques under the supervision of a legendary master of the Gwalior style, Shashwati Mandal.

She released several records and performed all over the world in New York (Lincoln Centre), London (Barbican Centre), Berlin (Silent Green), Mexico City (Centro National de las Artes), Madrid (La Casa Encendida), Paris (Bourse de Commerce), Brussels (BOZAR), Lyon (Maison de Lorette), Milan (Oxilia Gallery) and Prague (PONEC Theater).

To find out more about Antonina Nowacke see below:
