International programmes
The Borderland/Ukraine
Changing Democracies
The Borderland/Belarus
Beyond Borders Academy
Tales of coexistence
The Art Studio
Regional Eduaction Studio
The Gucio Enchanted Studio
The Chronicles of Sejny Studio
The Music Studio
Music and Sounds Studio
The Natural World Studio
The Weaving Studio
Borderland Publishing House
Borderland Publishing House Team
Recent news and events
About us
Borderland Foundation
International programmes
The Borderland/Ukraine
Changing Democracies
The Borderland/Belarus
Beyond Borders Academy
Tales of coexistence
The Art Studio
Regional Eduaction Studio
The Gucio Enchanted Studio
The Chronicles of Sejny Studio
The Music Studio
Music and Sounds Studio
The Natural World Studio
The Weaving Studio
Borderland Publishing House
Borderland Publishing House Team
Recent news and events
About us
Borderland Foundation
The Art Studio
Wiesław Szumiński on the history and activities of the Art Studio
Art Books – the new project is launched
Art Books, books, scriptures and letters – two meetings
Art Books – coloured by their authors
Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis – painting sounds
The Art Studio at work
Regional Eduaction Studio
The ABC Book of Sejny
The Minicentre of the World
Multicultural traditions – this year's last meeting
A meeting with Egidijus Aleksandravičius
Multicultural traditions for the youngest
The new series of classes: the Old Believers
The Gucio Enchanted Studio
The maps of the worlds of children
The Chronicles of Sejny Studio
The Hidden City
The Book of Sejny Tales
Nordist Judaisk on the Chronicles of Sejny
The Tale of Sacred Trees – the beginning of the new project
The Tales of Sacred Tress -- the results so far
The Mysteries of Childhood selected for the SERIES WEB AWARDS in Lima, Peru.
The Tales of Sacred Trees – new films
The Tales of Sacred Trees – sound recording.
The Music Studio
Musicians’ Raft: Frank London and Lorin Sklamberg in the White Synagogue.
Musicians' Raft: Raphael Rogiński and Egil Kalman
Inner Ear – the masters of free jazz in Sejny
Paweł Szamburski in Sejny
Watch the Klezmer Orchestra and Paweł Szamburski online
Watch Michał Fetler and the Klezmer Orchestra online
The concert to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising
The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre with the new programme
The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre in Kraków
Summer in the Borderland 2023 – the beginning
The first summer concert in the Jazz Cooperative venue
Sejny Dances – new music composed by Michał Fetler for the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre
Piotr Damasiewicz Into the Roots in the Sejny Jazz Coopeartive
The Music Studio: we are all synaesthetes
The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre in the White Synagogue: a few photographs
The commemoration of the Jewish community in Przerośl
The commemoration of the Jewish community in Bytów
Opera and its history
The Art of Fugue – the most perfect and the most demanding form of music.
On the origins of blues and its consequences
On the origins of symphony
Polish folk dances
The Music of the Place Studio
The Music of the Place - 2024
The Music of the Place – Pijus Džiugas Meižis in Sejny and Krasnogruda
The Music of the Place – Tomasz Mirt in Sejny and Krasnogruda
The Music of the Place – five days with Paweł Kulczyński
The Music of the Place – Antonina Nowacka in Sejny and Krasnogruda
The Music of the Place – Marcin Dymiter in Krasnogruda and Sejny
The Music of the Place – Teoniki Rożynek
The Music of the Place – workshops with Robert Losiak
On symphony and on the history of music
The history of music: Opera Rara
The underrated genius of Franz Schubert
Music and Sounds Studio
Kaunas Cantata and the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre.
The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre in Kaunas Kantata
The Natural World Studio
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – the observations and composing music for the theatre play
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – theatre activities with Małgorzata Sporek- Czyżewska
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – the pond
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – the workshop on collages
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – looking for different kinds of trees
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – theatre workshops
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree: a new project
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree -- a workshop with Ukrainian artists
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – a woodpecker
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – the book about trees
A Tale of the Dying Ash Tree – the performance in the White Synagogue
The Weaving Studio
Weaving Recorded
The Music Studio
The Music of the Place Studio
The Music of the Place Studio
The Music of the Place – Teoniki Rożynek
The Music of the Place – workshops with Robert Losiak
The Music of the Place – Marcin Dymiter in Krasnogruda and Sejny
The Music of the Place – Pijus Džiugas Meižis in Sejny and Krasnogruda
The Music of the Place – Tomasz Mirt in Sejny and Krasnogruda
The Music of the Place – five days with Paweł Kulczyński
The Music of the Place – Antonina Nowacka in Sejny and Krasnogruda