MIREES is a joint program offered by the University of Bologna, Italy, together with the Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas, Lithuania, the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, and the St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Enrolled students spend the first year in Forlì. In the second year a minimum of 5 months will be spent at one of the Partner Universities or, in particular cases, at other Mirees associated Universities (Universities of Zagreb and Ljubljana, Bogazici in Istanbul and ADA in Baku).
Mobility grant is offered to all enrolled students, thanks to Erasmus + or the MIREES mobility scheme. MIREES is suited for students with a BA in Economics, Politics, International Relations, History, Languages, agricultural studies and cultural studies in general as well as for prospective PhD students.
The admission requirements and the documents to be provided for application are available on the program website at www.mirees.unibo.it, as well as detailed information on teaching plan and Faculty. Two evaluation sessions are scheduled: the first one, with deadline May, 18th 2015, is open to all candidates; the second one, with deadline September, 18th 2015 is only for EU students and non-EU students with equivalent status.