7 lutego 2006

Prezentacja Pogranicza w Nowym Jorku.

W dniu 7 lutego 2006 w Nowym Jorku, w siedzibie Location One, Krzysztof Czyżewski mówił o Pograniczu, jego działaniach na polu wielokulturowości i licznych programach, które realizuje: teatr, muzyka, poezja, działalność wydawnicza, edukacyjna. 

Spotkanie nosiło tytuł Pogranicze - żywy eksperyment w relacjach międzykulturowych. Ośrodkowi Location One bliskie są cele i programy Pogranicza, ponieważ sam wspiera konwergencję międzykulturową między różnymi regionami świata i dyscyplinami. Swoje zadania realizuje poprzez International Residency Program, liczne wystawy, koncerty, taniec, cotygodniowe spotkania poruszające ważne kwestie społeczne, polityczne, artystyczne, technologiczne.

The Borderland Foundation 
A living experiment in cross-cultural relations 
with foundation Chairman Krzysztof Czyzewski 

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006, 7:00pm 
Admission: FREE 
Location One: 20-26 Greene Street NYC 10013 
Subway: Canal Street stop on N,R,Q,W – 6 - A,C,E 

Location One is pleased to host a presentation by Krzysztof Czyzewski, Chairman of Borderland, the avant-garde cultura foundation, established in 1990 in Sejny in north-east Poland, right at the borders between Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Russia. Mr. Czyzewski will talk about the intercultural activities of the Foundation and its many programs: theater, music, poetry and writing, publishing, film as well as educational and cross-generational. 

About Czyzewski, Gail Kimberling of the New York Times has written that he “has based his life’s work on pushing the limits of borders, whether it involves going beyond the acceptable, bringing the past to the present, or bridging one country or culture with another.” 

His presentation will include footage from documentary work generated by the program. 

Location One feels a particular kinship to the goals and programs of the Borderland Foundation since our aim is to encourage the convergence of cultural expression from all different parts of the world and different disciplines. We do this through our International Residency Program, and through our dense calendar of exhibitions, concerts, dance, weekly talks on issues of social, political, artistic and technological relevance. And we operate in a place that probably holds the widest variety of cultural expressions within its city limits: a borderland of sorts. 

For more information on Location One and on the Borderland Foundation please link to 